
Monday, September 24, 2012

A Homemade Christmas - Painted Quote Canvas

So Christmas is only roughly 10 weeks away!

Now that that fact has settled in, Let's get crafty! These next few weeks I will be posting some ideas I have been considering/have attempted. If you are feeling artsy then give them a try!  And if you screw it up, at least you still have 10 weeks to figure out what else to get!

Painted Quote Canvas

What you will need:
A stretched canvas (any size) $10-25
Spray Paint (2 colors) $3/can
Foam Stickers $1.00/pack (found at the dollar store or any art store)
Acrylic Paint $0.50 (optional)
Sponge Brush ($0.50)
Stencils $1-5 (optional)

1.) Spray paint your canvas the color you want your letters. I found it's easier to use a gloss paint on this part so that the stickers don't get too stuck.
2.) After it dries, spell out your quote with your stickers. Feel free to draw guidelines to make sure the words stay straight
3.) Spray paint over your letters the color you'd like the background. This may take multiple coats. Be sure to also paint the sides of your canvas
4.) Remove the stickers.
5.) Want to fill in some blank space? Add an embellishment using acrylic paint, sponge brush and stencil.

Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5

Total Cost: $20.00

**Here's a hint- Buy the canvas' in bulk! It's much cheaper & you can knock out gifts for multiple people! Also, make sure you go to the stores website before you shop. Michaels, Joann's and AC Moore always have coupons online. All 3 stores allow you to use the coupon off your phone as well! Thank you smart phones!**

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Donate now & get this 'Love Your Kidneys' Painting

If you follow me on my Facebook page, La-Breeden Crafts, then you are already aware about this awesome opportunity I have come across to help raise money for Team Walkers For Jocelyn in the National Kidney Foundation Walk. Jocelyn has had issues with her kidneys since 8 weeks old! You can learn more about her story here.

If you donate any sum of money towards Team Jocelyn, then I will paint you this one of a kind 2012 'Love Your Kidneys' painting. You can get this painting even if you donate $1 towards the cause. Every penny counts!

I was asking everyone to share this photo (above) with all their friends and family but was finding it hard to keep track of who wanted to donate. So I'm creating this blog post. If you are interested in donating please comment below. Be sure to leave your name and email (or facebook link) so I can message you for more information. I am willing to meet you to hand deliver the paintings or I can mail them as well. Donations can be made via cash, check, or online here. If you want to donate via check, please make them out to National Kidney Foundation. Please please keep in mind that ALL donations are tax deductible and a tax form will be emailed to you by the Team Leader, Judy Cash.

Please take a minute to share this post with your friends. All proceeds will go to the National Kidney Foundation.

**Also, be sure to like my page, La-Breeden Crafts**
**for a chance to win a free 8x10 painting.**